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Sueño (Dream)
An Improvisation (2024)

Next - 1945

Dawn Kramer and MarĂ­a Gloria Bocchieri Coyle
Camera and Editing: Stephen Buck


3rd Movement: calmo, dolce
2nd Movement: Dialogue of figures

Jonathan Bagg, viola; Donald Berman, piano
Recording used with permission of the composer
Music Publisher: Theodore Presser Company
(144-40544 - piano score and part)

Performered and Shot in Mar de las Pampas, Argentina, 2024

We met a young woman named Gloria who looked at my website and said she would love to do a movement piece in the dunes, and maybe she and I could make a piece together! She is not a trained dancer, but she is an actor who does physical theater. So on our last day in Mar de las Pampas, we played in the dunes together. Stephen was game to shoot whatever happened. I had been looking for a creative project on this trip, and Gloria appeared and got me going! Given the fact that nothing was choreographed, I give Gloria much credit for being a sensitive improvisation partner. Back at home, we added music from our friend Stephen Jaffe (Bogliasco, 2010) and Stephen Buck worked his editing magic on the clips.